Source: latlon-ellipsoidal-datum.js

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/* Geodesy tools for conversions between (historical) datums          (c) Chris Veness 2005-2019  */
/*                                                                                   MIT Licence  */
/*                                     */
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import LatLonEllipsoidal, { Cartesian, Dms } from './latlon-ellipsoidal.js';

 * Historical geodetic datums: a latitude/longitude point defines a geographic location on or
 * above/below the  earth’s surface, measured in degrees from the equator & the International
 * Reference Meridian and metres above the ellipsoid, and based on a given datum. The datum is
 * based on a reference ellipsoid and tied to geodetic survey reference points.
 * Modern geodesy is generally based on the WGS84 datum (as used for instance by GPS systems), but
 * previously various reference ellipsoids and datum references were used.
 * This module extends the core latlon-ellipsoidal module to include ellipsoid parameters and datum
 * transformation parameters, and methods for converting between different (generally historical)
 * datums.
 * It can be used for UK Ordnance Survey mapping (OS National Grid References are still based on the
 * otherwise historical OSGB36 datum), as well as for historical purposes.
 * q.v. Ordnance Survey ‘A guide to coordinate systems in Great Britain’ Section 6,
 *, and also
 * @module latlon-ellipsoidal-datum

 * Ellipsoid parameters; exposed through static getter below.
const ellipsoids = {
    WGS84:         { a: 6378137,     b: 6356752.314245, f: 1/298.257223563 },
    Airy1830:      { a: 6377563.396, b: 6356256.909,    f: 1/299.3249646   },
    AiryModified:  { a: 6377340.189, b: 6356034.448,    f: 1/299.3249646   },
    Bessel1841:    { a: 6377397.155, b: 6356078.962818, f: 1/299.1528128   },
    Clarke1866:    { a: 6378206.4,   b: 6356583.8,      f: 1/294.978698214 },
    Clarke1880IGN: { a: 6378249.2,   b: 6356515.0,      f: 1/293.466021294 },
    GRS80:         { a: 6378137,     b: 6356752.314140, f: 1/298.257222101 },
    Intl1924:      { a: 6378388,     b: 6356911.946,    f: 1/297           }, // aka Hayford
    WGS72:         { a: 6378135,     b: 6356750.5,      f: 1/298.26        },

 * Datums; exposed through static getter below.
const datums = {
    // transforms: t in metres, s in ppm, r in arcseconds              tx       ty        tz       s        rx        ry        rz
    ED50:       { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.Intl1924,      transform: [   89.5,    93.8,    123.1,    -1.2,     0.0,      0.0,      0.156    ] }, //
    ETRS89:     { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.GRS80,         transform: [    0,       0,        0,       0,       0,        0,        0        ] }, //; @ 1-metre level
    Irl1975:    { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.AiryModified,  transform: [ -482.530, 130.596, -564.557,  -8.150,   1.042,    0.214,    0.631    ] }, //
    NAD27:      { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.Clarke1866,    transform: [    8,    -160,     -176,       0,       0,        0,        0        ] },
    NAD83:      { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.GRS80,         transform: [    0.9956, -1.9103,  -0.5215, -0.00062, 0.025915, 0.009426, 0.011599 ] },
    NTF:        { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.Clarke1880IGN, transform: [  168,      60,     -320,       0,       0,        0,        0        ] },
    OSGB36:     { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.Airy1830,      transform: [ -446.448, 125.157, -542.060,  20.4894, -0.1502,  -0.2470,  -0.8421   ] }, //
    Potsdam:    { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.Bessel1841,    transform: [ -582,    -105,     -414,      -8.3,     1.04,     0.35,    -3.08     ] },
    TokyoJapan: { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.Bessel1841,    transform: [  148,    -507,     -685,       0,       0,        0,        0        ] },
    WGS72:      { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.WGS72,         transform: [    0,       0,       -4.5,    -0.22,    0,        0,        0.554    ] },
    WGS84:      { ellipsoid: ellipsoids.WGS84,         transform: [    0.0,     0.0,      0.0,     0.0,     0.0,      0.0,      0.0      ] },
/* sources:
 * - ED50:
 * - Irl1975:
 * - NAD27:
 * - NAD83: [strictly, WGS84(G1150) -> NAD83(CORS96) @ epoch 1997.0]
 *               (note NAD83(1986) ≡ WGS84(Original);
 * - NTF:        Nouvelle Triangulation Francaise
 * - OSGB36:
 * - Potsdam:
 * - TokyoJapan:
 * - WGS72: wgs 84 implementation manual.pdf
 * more transform parameters are available from,
/* note:
 * - ETRS89 reference frames are coincident with WGS-84 at epoch 1989.0 (ie null transform) at the one metre level.

// freeze static properties
Object.keys(ellipsoids).forEach(e => Object.freeze(ellipsoids[e]));
Object.keys(datums).forEach(d => { Object.freeze(datums[d]); Object.freeze(datums[d].transform); });

/* LatLon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

 * Latitude/longitude points on an ellipsoidal model earth, with ellipsoid parameters and methods
 * for converting between datums and to geocentric (ECEF) cartesian coordinates.
 * @extends LatLonEllipsoidal
class LatLonEllipsoidal_Datum extends LatLonEllipsoidal {

     * Creates a geodetic latitude/longitude point on an ellipsoidal model earth using given datum.
     * @param {number} lat - Latitude (in degrees).
     * @param {number} lon - Longitude (in degrees).
     * @param {number} [height=0] - Height above ellipsoid in metres.
     * @param {LatLon.datums} datum - Datum this point is defined within.
     * @example
     *   import LatLon from '/js/geodesy/latlon-ellipsoidal-datum.js';
     *   const p = new LatLon(53.3444, -6.2577, 17, LatLon.datums.Irl1975);
    constructor(lat, lon, height=0, datum=datums.WGS84) {
        if (!datum || datum.ellipsoid==undefined) throw new TypeError(`unrecognised datum ‘${datum}’`);

        super(lat, lon, height);

        this._datum = datum;

     * Datum this point is defined within.
    get datum() {
        return this._datum;

     * Ellipsoids with their parameters; semi-major axis (a), semi-minor axis (b), and flattening (f).
     * Flattening f = (a−b)/a; at least one of these parameters is derived from defining constants.
     * @example
     *   const a = LatLon.ellipsoids.Airy1830.a; // 6377563.396
    static get ellipsoids() {
        return ellipsoids;

     * Datums; with associated ellipsoid, and Helmert transform parameters to convert from WGS-84
     * into given datum.
     * Note that precision of various datums will vary, and WGS-84 (original) is not defined to be
     * accurate to better than ±1 metre. No transformation should be assumed to be accurate to
     * better than a metre, for many datums somewhat less.
     * This is a small sample of commoner datums from a large set of historical datums. I will add
     * new datums on request.
     * @example
     *   const a = LatLon.datums.OSGB36.ellipsoid.a;                    // 6377563.396
     *   const tx = LatLon.datums.OSGB36.transform;                     // [ tx, ty, tz, s, rx, ry, rz ]
     *   const availableDatums = Object.keys(LatLon.datums).join(', '); // ED50, Irl1975, NAD27, ...
    static get datums() {
        return datums;

    // note instance datum getter/setters are in LatLonEllipsoidal

     * Parses a latitude/longitude point from a variety of formats.
     * Latitude & longitude (in degrees) can be supplied as two separate parameters, as a single
     * comma-separated lat/lon string, or as a single object with { lat, lon } or GeoJSON properties.
     * The latitude/longitude values may be numeric or strings; they may be signed decimal or
     * deg-min-sec (hexagesimal) suffixed by compass direction (NSEW); a variety of separators are
     * accepted. Examples -3.62, '3 37 12W', '3°37′12″W'.
     * Thousands/decimal separators must be comma/dot; use Dms.fromLocale to convert locale-specific
     * thousands/decimal separators.
     * @param   {number|string|Object} lat|latlon - Geodetic Latitude (in degrees) or comma-separated lat/lon or lat/lon object.
     * @param   {number}               [lon] - Longitude in degrees.
     * @param   {number}               [height=0] - Height above ellipsoid in metres.
     * @param   {LatLon.datums}        [datum=WGS84] - Datum this point is defined within.
     * @returns {LatLon} Latitude/longitude point on ellipsoidal model earth using given datum.
     * @throws  {TypeError} Unrecognised datum.
     * @example
     *   const p = LatLon.parse('51.47736, 0.0000', 0, LatLon.datums.OSGB36);
    static parse(...args) {
        let datum = datums.WGS84;

        // if the last argument is a datum, use that, otherwise use default WGS-84
        if (args.length==4 || (args.length==3 && typeof args[2] == 'object')) datum = args.pop();

        if (!datum || datum.ellipsoid==undefined) throw new TypeError(`unrecognised datum ‘${datum}’`);

        const point = super.parse(...args);

        point._datum = datum;

        return point;

     * Converts ‘this’ lat/lon coordinate to new coordinate system.
     * @param   {LatLon.datums} toDatum - Datum this coordinate is to be converted to.
     * @returns {LatLon} This point converted to new datum.
     * @throws  {TypeError} Unrecognised datum.
     * @example
     *   const pWGS84 = new LatLon(51.47788, -0.00147, 0, LatLon.datums.WGS84);
     *   const pOSGB = pWGS84.convertDatum(LatLon.datums.OSGB36); // 51.4773°N, 000.0001°E
    convertDatum(toDatum) {
        if (!toDatum || toDatum.ellipsoid==undefined) throw new TypeError(`unrecognised datum ‘${toDatum}’`);

        const oldCartesian = this.toCartesian();                 // convert geodetic to cartesian
        const newCartesian = oldCartesian.convertDatum(toDatum); // convert datum
        const newLatLon = newCartesian.toLatLon();               // convert cartesian back to geodetic

        return newLatLon;

     * Converts ‘this’ point from (geodetic) latitude/longitude coordinates to (geocentric) cartesian
     * (x/y/z) coordinates, based on the same datum.
     * Shadow of LatLonEllipsoidal.toCartesian(), returning Cartesian augmented with
     * LatLonEllipsoidal_Datum methods/properties.
     * @returns {Cartesian} Cartesian point equivalent to lat/lon point, with x, y, z in metres from
     *   earth centre, augmented with reference frame conversion methods and properties.
    toCartesian() {
        const cartesian = super.toCartesian();
        const cartesianDatum = new Cartesian_Datum(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z, this.datum);
        return cartesianDatum;


/* Cartesian  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

 * Augments Cartesian with datum the cooordinate is based on, and methods to convert between datums
 * (using Helmert 7-parameter transforms) and to convert cartesian to geodetic latitude/longitude
 * point.
 * @extends Cartesian
class Cartesian_Datum extends Cartesian {

     * Creates cartesian coordinate representing ECEF (earth-centric earth-fixed) point, on a given
     * datum. The datum will identify the primary meridian (for the x-coordinate), and is also
     * useful in transforming to/from geodetic (lat/lon) coordinates.
     * @param  {number} x - X coordinate in metres (=> 0°N,0°E).
     * @param  {number} y - Y coordinate in metres (=> 0°N,90°E).
     * @param  {number} z - Z coordinate in metres (=> 90°N).
     * @param  {LatLon.datums} [datum] - Datum this coordinate is defined within.
     * @throws {TypeError} Unrecognised datum.
     * @example
     *   import { Cartesian } from '/js/geodesy/latlon-ellipsoidal-datum.js';
     *   const coord = new Cartesian(3980581.210, -111.159, 4966824.522);
    constructor(x, y, z, datum=undefined) {
        if (datum && datum.ellipsoid==undefined) throw new TypeError(`unrecognised datum ‘${datum}’`);

        super(x, y, z);

        if (datum) this._datum = datum;

     * Datum this point is defined within.
    get datum() {
        return this._datum;
    set datum(datum) {
        if (!datum || datum.ellipsoid==undefined) throw new TypeError(`unrecognised datum ‘${datum}’`);
        this._datum = datum;

     * Converts ‘this’ (geocentric) cartesian (x/y/z) coordinate to (geodetic) latitude/longitude
     * point (based on the same datum, or WGS84 if unset).
     * Shadow of Cartesian.toLatLon(), returning LatLon augmented with LatLonEllipsoidal_Datum
     * methods convertDatum, toCartesian, etc.
     * @returns {LatLon} Latitude/longitude point defined by cartesian coordinates.
     * @throws  {TypeError} Unrecognised datum
     * @example
     *   const c = new Cartesian(4027893.924, 307041.993, 4919474.294);
     *   const p = c.toLatLon(); // 50.7978°N, 004.3592°E
    toLatLon(deprecatedDatum=undefined) {
        if (deprecatedDatum) {
  'datum parameter to Cartesian_Datum.toLatLon is deprecated: set datum before calling toLatLon()');
            this.datum = deprecatedDatum;
        const datum = this.datum || datums.WGS84;
        if (!datum || datum.ellipsoid==undefined) throw new TypeError(`unrecognised datum ‘${datum}’`);

        const latLon = super.toLatLon(datum.ellipsoid); // TODO: what if datum is not geocentric?
        const point = new LatLonEllipsoidal_Datum(, latLon.lon, latLon.height, this.datum);
        return point;

     * Converts ‘this’ cartesian coordinate to new datum using Helmert 7-parameter transformation.
     * @param   {LatLon.datums} toDatum - Datum this coordinate is to be converted to.
     * @returns {Cartesian} This point converted to new datum.
     * @throws  {Error} Undefined datum.
     * @example
     *   const c = new Cartesian(3980574.247, -102.127, 4966830.065, LatLon.datums.OSGB36);
     *   c.convertDatum(LatLon.datums.Irl1975); // [??,??,??]
    convertDatum(toDatum) {
        // TODO: what if datum is not geocentric?
        if (!toDatum || toDatum.ellipsoid == undefined) throw new TypeError(`unrecognised datum ‘${toDatum}’`);
        if (!this.datum) throw new TypeError('cartesian coordinate has no datum');

        let oldCartesian = null;
        let transform = null;

        if (this.datum == undefined || this.datum == datums.WGS84) {
            // converting from WGS 84
            oldCartesian = this;
            transform = toDatum.transform;
        if (toDatum == datums.WGS84) {
            // converting to WGS 84; use inverse transform
            oldCartesian = this;
            transform = => -p);
        if (transform == null) {
            // neither this.datum nor toDatum are WGS84: convert this to WGS84 first
            oldCartesian = this.convertDatum(datums.WGS84);
            transform = toDatum.transform;

        const newCartesian = oldCartesian.applyTransform(transform);
        newCartesian.datum = toDatum;

        return newCartesian;

     * Applies Helmert 7-parameter transformation to ‘this’ coordinate using transform parameters t.
     * This is used in converting datums (geodetic->cartesian, apply transform, cartesian->geodetic).
     * @private
     * @param   {number[]} t - Transformation to apply to this coordinate.
     * @returns {Cartesian} Transformed point.
    applyTransform(t)   {
        // this point
        const { x: x1, y: y1, z: z1 } = this;

        // transform parameters
        const tx = t[0];                    // x-shift in metres
        const ty = t[1];                    // y-shift in metres
        const tz = t[2];                    // z-shift in metres
        const s  = t[3]/1e6 + 1;            // scale: normalise parts-per-million to (s+1)
        const rx = (t[4]/3600).toRadians(); // x-rotation: normalise arcseconds to radians
        const ry = (t[5]/3600).toRadians(); // y-rotation: normalise arcseconds to radians
        const rz = (t[6]/3600).toRadians(); // z-rotation: normalise arcseconds to radians

        // apply transform
        const x2 = tx + x1*s  - y1*rz + z1*ry;
        const y2 = ty + x1*rz + y1*s  - z1*rx;
        const z2 = tz - x1*ry + y1*rx + z1*s;

        return new Cartesian_Datum(x2, y2, z2);

/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  */

export { LatLonEllipsoidal_Datum as default, Cartesian_Datum as Cartesian, datums, Dms };